Flashback to Thanksgiving, 2011:
One year after back surgery I was visiting Southern California and went to Santa Monica Pier. The sun, the sand, the water…..people with carefree smiles and laughter out and about enjoying themselves on a lovely fall afternoon…. and there I was… trapped…. in agony. I felt like my body was breaking. I was so afraid and ashamed….what a nightmare.
Every moment was ruled by my discomfort. Every choice I made reflected my pain and my fear of what movement or activity might magnify it.
Today, one week after Thanksgiving, 2017 it is my joy to share how truly grateful I now am for my experience with chronic pain. My road to recovery was paved with precious gifts.
I learned to acknowledge and ultimately accept the emotional pain that had remained stored in my body for decades. This practice of compassionate self- awareness gradually allowed the emotional discomfort to move through me leading to deep healing of mind, body, emotions and spirit.
The only way out was through.
Yet, I continually need to remind myself to acknowledge, allow and accept painful emotions. I sometimes find myself out of balance; and life challenges return in new and surprising ways.
When I compare my life in 2011 to my life today, I am filled with awe at the amazing restorative and healing powers we each possess.
Regardless of the challenges at hand I know that:
I can connect with the safe haven that has always been within me and brings me peace. Honoring my own truth connected me with myself.
The self that was revealed to me is
the self that remains steady when I falter,
the self who knows where to go when I feel lost, and
the self who guides me through fear and uncertainty.
My pain became my gift.
With gratitude,