I swapped my cane for my key and unlocked my power!

You’re probably wondering…what cane…what key??? Well, here’s the story…

After graduating from UCLA with degrees in music and education, I became a professional flutist, flute teacher, and mother of three…always striving, working, perfecting….I loved my work, but by the age of 42 my hands, arms, shoulders and entire upper body were screaming at me. As I performed less and less my symptoms seemed to subside. I began a new career in community service training and supporting volunteers for hospices and other non-profits. But…..as my upper body symptoms lessened, I began to develop lower body issues.

Pain was my constant companion.

For many years I had no idea that my body was desperately trying to get my attention. For decades I was trapped in a life of chronic pain. My conditions included back and knee pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, repetitive stress injury, thoracic outlet syndrome, foot pain, trigger thumb, piriformis syndrome and sciatica. My diagnoses included severe spinal stenosis, scoliosis, bulging and degenerated discs, degenerative knee issues, psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis and generalized anxiety disorder. I relied on my cane for support.

My symptoms ran my life.

Every moment was ruled by my discomfort. Every choice I made reflected my pain and my fear of what movement or activity might magnify it. I tried pain management clinics, steroidal epidural injections, massage, medications, and finally….…surgery. .. I was still in pain. The practice of yoga was a gateway to uniting my mind, body and spirit – pilates, water exercise and physical therapy were helpful and built strength – BUT …. I was still in pain.

One year after back surgery, I was visiting Southern California and went to Santa Monica Pier which I reached by elevator. The sun, the sand, the water…..people with carefree smiles and laughter out and about enjoying themselves on this lovely fall afternoon…. and there I was… trapped…. in agony. I felt like my body was breaking. I was so afraid and ashamed……..what a nightmare.

Later I realized that I would find a way out of this living hell. And I did. While online I discovered the work of John Sarno M.D. which led me to the Mind-Body approach to healing. I immersed myself in the process.

I found that the key to relieving my symptoms was inside me

The Mind-Body approach relieved both the symptoms of pain and anxiety by reconnecting me to myself. So.…I swapped my cane for my key and unlocked my power!

After working closely with individuals and groups as a teacher for most of my life, I naturally wanted to help others access their own healing.

I am a certified Martha Beck Life Coach,  Master Mind-Body Coach and certified by the Whole Health Medicine Institute in California. I am also certified as a Grief Coach and Educator by author and grief expert David Kessler.

Now I help others unlock their innate power as they reclaim their lives. I believe that each of us holds the key to pain relief, stress relief, more freedom and more joy!